Sunday, August 29, 2021

Makoshita State Park, Glendive, Montana

 We arrived at Makoshika State Park on the afternoon of August 23rd.  The park is in the badlands of eastern Montana.  We spent two nights here.  I was driven crazy trying to find WiFi in town.  Why, you ask?  Monday night was fantasy football draft night!  Eventually I found a spot in town that had servicable (mostly) cell signal.  Had to draft using my phone (feeling handicapped the whole time).  We'll see how it goes...  I was able to take a great hike monday morning, and we drove up the canyon to the end of the road.  Lots of great photos were taken.  I remember as a child/young man not being very impressed with the badlands.  Age apparently has given me a new appreciation for the beauty of it all.

On the 24th we went into town where mom needed coffee.  We found a really nice coffee shop created out of a former nursery.  You know, plants and stuff.  Really cool.

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