Tuesday, July 8, 2008


We've been enjoying the last few days in North Pole. We've managed to go see some sights, do some shopping, and just relax and rest. Yesterday afternoon the kids and I canoed down the river in the center of town. Sunday evening, we enjoyed a salmon, prime rib, halibut, cod, and side dishes meal in town. I washed the Saturn, what a mess that was. We've been staying at the Santaland RV Park, and I'm afraid that Colton has become somewhat attached to the two reindeer they have here. It's still been in the eighties everyday, with thunderstorms every day. Again, not what I expected. It is cloudy as I type this morning. We will be packing up and heading toward Denali Park in a little bit. Forgot to mention that we spent some time fishing, and caught some trout. Hopefully some Arctic Grayling next, and then maybe some Pink Salmon...

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